Total Cronos Club : 0.00 CRO

Your total : 0 CRO

➜ 50% of the royalties in $CRO for Punk Weapons, Cyberpunk Cronicles and Origami Legends holders*

➛ Distribution once a month

➛ All rewards are calculated in proportion of holdings and multiplier

*Holders = holding the NFT(s) at the time of reward distribution

Total Cronos Club: 0.00 FRTN

Your total: 0 FRTN

➜ 50% of the royalties in $FRTN for Punk Weapons, Cyberpunk Cronicles and Origami Legends holders*

➜ 250 $FRTN weekly prizepool for Troops Contributors**

➜ 250 $FRTN weekly prizepool for Koban Contributors**

➛ Distribution at the end of each Ryoshi Dynasties season

➛ All rewards are calculated in proportion of holdings, multiplier and contributions

*Holders = holding the NFT(s) at the time of reward distribution

**Contributors = allocating troops or send Koban to The Cronos Club faction at Ryoshi Dynasties
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Combine the powers

Cyberpunk Warriors
Origami Legends
Cyberpunk Cronicles
Punk Weapons


Staking Details

To earn multiplier benefits on your $CRO and $FRTN rewards, hold NFTs in your wallet from the following collections:
Punk Weapons, Cyberpunk Chronicles, Origami Legends, and Warriors.

Combine NFTs across these collections that share the same attributes:
Rarity, Element, and Faction.

Your Objective:

Aim for the optimal combination of 5 NFTs with the same attribute. The highest combination determines your multiplier.

⚠️ Your multiplier increases the amount of $CRO and $FRTN you receive from the reward pool, not your reward itself.

Possible Combinations and Associated Multipliers:

Rarity (Punk Weapons and Cyberpunk Chronicles):

  • 5 Common = x2
  • 5 Uncommon = x3
  • 5 Rare = x4
  • 5 Ultra Rare = x5
  • 5 Supreme Rare = x6

Element (Cyberpunk Chronicles, Origami Legends, and Warriors):
  • 5 Water = x2
  • 5 Air = x3
  • 5 Earth = x4
  • 5 Fire = x5
  • 5 Love = x6

Faction (Cyberpunk Chronicles, and Origami Legends):
  • 5 Techno Nomads = x2
  • 5 Neo Tech Corporation = x3
  • 5 Reclaimer Rebels = x4
  • 5 Cybernetic Cult = x5
  • 5 Shadow Syndicate = x6

Rank (Warriors):
  • 5 Novice = x2
  • 5 Specialist = x3
  • 5 Veteran = x4
  • 5 Commander = x5
  • 5 Elite = x6

All Traits:
  • Combine all 5 Rarity traits = x3
  • Combine all 5 Element traits = x3
  • Combine all 5 Faction traits = x3
  • Combine all 5 Rank traits = x3
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Your balance:


Your balance: